Creative Support for Facilitators

Constellations and Other Acts of Imagination

Our “widevision circle” is meant to support facilitators at various levels of experience and to annotate the inner workings of Constellation with clients.

Who is this class for? Constellation facilitators, therapeutic professionals, and those who are at the threshold. I am looking forward to working with an intimate group of 8-10 people who want to feel more at ease with the practice of facilitation and those who seek widevision around specific professional obstacles. We will work together to become friendly with vulnerability and allow for confidence.

Class design: Each “segment” will last 8 weeks. Students may choose to participate in ongoing segments, but each segment is considered a discrete entity. Participants must join at the beginning of a segment. They may not be exchanged or substituted.

Class philosophy: The philosophy of Constellations proposes a philosophy and practice of generativity – no matter our circumstances. When we work with clients, we hold the paradox: they are suffering, they are more than their suffering. 

Constellations ask essential questions: What are the images your clients carry – of themselves, of the world, of what's possible? What is the source of these images? And, how can these images be enriched and expanded to encompass the more of life?

We know that sentences such as "I am not enough" carry forward content from the lineage that then becomes true – and then is repeatedly reinforced – because we make it so. This sentence is the North Star guiding us even when we think we are moving in another direction. 

So, how do we work with clients to shift the constellation? First, cultivate curiosity and creativity. Next, hone a stance of compassionate accompaniment as clients find inside the power and mobility they have so long looked for outside. Finally, harness everything you have ever learned to be ready to join in generative collaboration with clients.

”I am enough,” in the above example, is a life-changing shift in vivified language.

Class Logistics: Sessions will be recorded and made available for the duration of the class. The class will offer thought-provoking content, and theme presentations tailored to each group. Together we will seek to awaken generative imagination and opportunities to braid content, insight, and action. 


Mondays, 2:00 - 4:00 EST
March 24, 31
April 7, 14, 21, 28
May 5, 12

Mondays, 2:00 - 4:00 EST
June 2, 9, 23, 30
July 7, 14, 21, 28

Mondays, 2:00 - 4:00 EST
August 25
September 8, 15, 22, 29
October 13, 20, 27

The total cost for each segment is $800 (8-week session, 16 in-class hours).

These cohorts are for people who have a background in Family Constellations and are looking for new perspectives or support in applying them. This is not a "training."